LCPS holds a collection of over 300 books related to historic preservation and restoration. Please feel free to browse online using the button to the left (password is Ebba). Current LCPS members are able to put books on hold through the online catalog. Books can then be checked out at the office during regular office hours, at office events, or by special appointment. For current office hours or to make an appointment call or text 971-704-2016. |
The Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1911 - 3 Volume Set
Historic Inventories:
Adair-Uppertown Historic Inventory
Downtown Historic Inventory
Fort Hill Historic Inventory
Hobson-Flavel Historic Inventory
Shively-McClure Historic Inventory
Uniontown-Alameda Historic Inventory
*Many of historic inventory sheets are also available online through the Oregon Historic Sites Database.
Historic Inventories:
Adair-Uppertown Historic Inventory
Downtown Historic Inventory
Fort Hill Historic Inventory
Hobson-Flavel Historic Inventory
Shively-McClure Historic Inventory
Uniontown-Alameda Historic Inventory
*Many of historic inventory sheets are also available online through the Oregon Historic Sites Database.
Access to Architectural Archive:
LCPS also holds a digital collection of sketches and blueprints from well-known architects of the area. To inquire about these documents, please email us, stop by the LCPS office or give us a call (971-704-2016). We can search by architect, address or building/business name. The collection includes work by John E. Wicks, Charles T. Diamond, Eino E. Isaacson, Ebba Wicks Brown and others. Below is a small sample of the information available. The total collection contains over 500 pages and counting.
Many of John E. Wicks' earliest buildings, as well as their plans and and other information, were destroyed in the 1922 downtown fire. However, more than 25 extant buildings within the commercial district have been identified as designed by Wicks.
- Columbia Hospital - John E. Wicks, 1926
- Gimre's Shoes - John E. Wicks, 1919
- Trinity Lutheran Church - 588 16th Street, John E. Wicks, 1932
Young Building - 1360 Commercial 1916
Sunflower Dairy 1319 Commercial, 1927
Trotter-Gunderson Building 1343 Commercial, 1929 and 1935
Lum Quing Grocery, Bond between 6th 7th, 1928
Mason & Ehrman Co. Warehouse, 1152 Marine Dr., 1935
Paragon Packing 176 W. Marine Dr., 1945
JC Penney 1343 Commercial,
Kinney Building, 1108 Commercial, 1924
Lewis Building 14th Commercial, 1924
Hughes Mortuary, 576 12th, 1939
Fellman Building 1535 Commercial, 1922
Finnish Meat Market, 279 W. Marine Dr., 1924
Fisher Bros Building. 12th and bond
Fisher Building 1105 Commercial,
Astoria National Bank Building, 1215 Commercial,
Badollet & Trulinger Building, 894 Commercial, 1945
Charles T. Diamond's work was heavily influenced by the historic detailing of European structures. Many of the buildings he designed highlight decorative elements lifted from Italian and Spanish designs.
- Astoria Building Co. - Charles T. Diamond, 1926 (next to Lum Quing, demolished)
- Dixie Baking Co. Building - Charles T. Diamond, 1923
- Shively Hall - Charles T. Diamond
Wievesick Building 13th Street, 1923
Sanborn Building 1044 Marine Dr.
Sanborn Dock Co., 1925
Hay Building (Plaza Jalisco) 212 8th St., 1923
Hildebrand Building, 1923
IOOF Building, 1923
A.V. Allen Building, 1004 Commercial, 1923
Eino E. Isaacson was the Clatsop County Surveyor for almost 6 years. Many of his designs were used for light industry or auto sales and have a Streamline Moderne flair.
- Astoria Bottling Works - Eino E. Isaacson, 1940
- Blitz-Weinhard Co. - Eine E. Isaacson, 1947
- Neptune Baths - Eino E. Isaacson, 1948
Rambeau Bros. Auto 8th & Marine, 1945
Reith Building, Astor & marine
Sabastian-Stuart Fish Co. , 1944
Maki Building, 1172 Marine Dr., 1945
Moose Building (remodel), 1948
Holmes Building, 1946 repair shop 11th
Andrew & Steve's remodel 1193 Marine Dr.
Wicks & Wicks
Royal Building 1084 Commercial, 1947 & 1949
Dixie Bakery (distribution plant), 2127 Marine Dr., 1949
Cochrans Building, 1947
Wicks & Brown
Zion Lutheran Church 565 12th St. 1958
Many of John E. Wicks' earliest buildings, as well as their plans and and other information, were destroyed in the 1922 downtown fire. However, more than 25 extant buildings within the commercial district have been identified as designed by Wicks.
- Columbia Hospital - John E. Wicks, 1926
- Gimre's Shoes - John E. Wicks, 1919
- Trinity Lutheran Church - 588 16th Street, John E. Wicks, 1932
Young Building - 1360 Commercial 1916
Sunflower Dairy 1319 Commercial, 1927
Trotter-Gunderson Building 1343 Commercial, 1929 and 1935
Lum Quing Grocery, Bond between 6th 7th, 1928
Mason & Ehrman Co. Warehouse, 1152 Marine Dr., 1935
Paragon Packing 176 W. Marine Dr., 1945
JC Penney 1343 Commercial,
Kinney Building, 1108 Commercial, 1924
Lewis Building 14th Commercial, 1924
Hughes Mortuary, 576 12th, 1939
Fellman Building 1535 Commercial, 1922
Finnish Meat Market, 279 W. Marine Dr., 1924
Fisher Bros Building. 12th and bond
Fisher Building 1105 Commercial,
Astoria National Bank Building, 1215 Commercial,
Badollet & Trulinger Building, 894 Commercial, 1945
Charles T. Diamond's work was heavily influenced by the historic detailing of European structures. Many of the buildings he designed highlight decorative elements lifted from Italian and Spanish designs.
- Astoria Building Co. - Charles T. Diamond, 1926 (next to Lum Quing, demolished)
- Dixie Baking Co. Building - Charles T. Diamond, 1923
- Shively Hall - Charles T. Diamond
Wievesick Building 13th Street, 1923
Sanborn Building 1044 Marine Dr.
Sanborn Dock Co., 1925
Hay Building (Plaza Jalisco) 212 8th St., 1923
Hildebrand Building, 1923
IOOF Building, 1923
A.V. Allen Building, 1004 Commercial, 1923
Eino E. Isaacson was the Clatsop County Surveyor for almost 6 years. Many of his designs were used for light industry or auto sales and have a Streamline Moderne flair.
- Astoria Bottling Works - Eino E. Isaacson, 1940
- Blitz-Weinhard Co. - Eine E. Isaacson, 1947
- Neptune Baths - Eino E. Isaacson, 1948
Rambeau Bros. Auto 8th & Marine, 1945
Reith Building, Astor & marine
Sabastian-Stuart Fish Co. , 1944
Maki Building, 1172 Marine Dr., 1945
Moose Building (remodel), 1948
Holmes Building, 1946 repair shop 11th
Andrew & Steve's remodel 1193 Marine Dr.
Wicks & Wicks
Royal Building 1084 Commercial, 1947 & 1949
Dixie Bakery (distribution plant), 2127 Marine Dr., 1949
Cochrans Building, 1947
Wicks & Brown
Zion Lutheran Church 565 12th St. 1958